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从闪族人亚伯拉罕得到神谕开始,他的子孙他的民族便走上了一条充满磨难但令人钦佩的神圣之路。历经艰辛,犹太人在应许之地迦南建立了自己的城邦和国家,然而罗马人长驱直入,肆意凌辱和奴役这个民族。在历史的幽暗低谷,一颗明星驱散阴霾,他从出生那一刻便得到善良而虔诚之人的祝福,同时他的一生也必须被各种误解、诋毁和迫害所包围,他就是上帝之子耶稣(迪奥戈·莫加多 Diogo Morgado 饰)。耶稣带着祝福、安慰和神迹行走世间,彼得(达尔文·肖 Darwin Shaw 饰)、约翰(塞巴斯蒂安·纳普 Sebastian Knapp 饰)以及为数众多的信仰者追随他的身边。“弥赛亚”耶稣的光芒越来越明亮,这令养尊处优的罗马教廷感受到了威胁……  本片为美剧《圣经故事》中耶稣部分的混剪版本。



    Geja misses assassinating Pamma and ends up in the same jail, intent on finishing the job. A merciless cop's plan to transfer the dangerous prisoners to Rajasthan escalates the situation.
    Super Icyclone follows climatologist Jill Sanders, who receives weather data indicating the formation of an unimaginably powerful storm system. As tragic storm-related deaths start mounting in real time, she realizes her small town is about to be ground zero for a massively destructive ice-hurling tornado.
    When Ira and Josh plan a quiet escape to their idyllic beach house, little do they know it will include Ira's estranged childhood friend Roger. Their quiet escape turns into a surprising reunion that reveals a complex relationship between childhood friends. A sexy, psychedelic weekend attempts to resolve the past, and the messy business of friendship, sex and love, in the roman...
    The docuseries launches on February 10, 2025. Ridley Scott, director of Black Hawk Down, contributed to this docuseries through his production company RSA Films. However, Jack MacInnes directed it. MacInnes previously worked on documentaries, including Leaving Afghanistan in 2022. Producers Jamal Osman and Emma Supple worked with executive producers Dominic Crossley-Holland and Tom Pearson to develop the series.  The documentary focuses on October 3, 1993, when U.S. Army Rangers and Delta Force conducted an operation in Mogadishu. Their mission was to capture militia leaders loyal to General Mohamed Farrah Aidid. Chaos unfolded after RPGs brought down three Blackhawk helicopters, leading to one of the most challenging urban battles for American forces.  The documentary includes stories from soldiers and survivors. U.S. troops recall being surrounded and fighting against overwhelming odds. Audio from news reports captures global reactions during the event. Somali fighters and civilians share their perspectives, including how U.S. airstrikes impacted families and inspired retaliation.  Unlike the film, the series does not frame the story solely from the U.S. perspective. It showcases Somali experiences, exploring their motivations and losses.
    After a deadly shooting, a police officer wakes up decades in the future. In a world where a TV show organises bloody combats between warriors from different eras, Ryan must fight the best of them to survive.
    Follows a young woman whose idyllic life with her hedge funder boyfriend turns it into a deadly triangle of lust, obsession and murder after meeting a local cowboy handyman.
    本片是根据 2019 年感动中国十大人物之一的王宽真人真事儿改编,本片还原了在当时条件下一个普通退休干部带着村里几名孤儿的故事,希望通过王常宽这一事迹,用善良的暖心感染社会,让每一个人都充满了爱,让世界变得更加温暖美好!
    年仅 20 岁的维罗妮卡经历了比大多数人都要丰富的人生——她谋杀母亲的罪名被裁定不成立,于是她回到家乡,希望重新开始自己的生活。尽管被判无罪,但舆论对弑母(以及杀害母亲男友)一案的看法却大相径庭。回到小镇后,她与唯一关心她的人——她的父亲和最好的朋友相依为命,而后者当晚就在谋杀现场。
    A washed-up Irish boxer named Kid Snow is finally faced with a chance to redeem himself when he is offered a rematch against the man he fought a decade prior, on a night that changed his life forever. When he meets single mother Sunny, he is forced to contemplate a future beyond boxing.